Saturday, April 27, 2013

Alright here we go! One thing we know...I am horrible at keeping a blog

Here I am Saturday night...updating my blog. You might be saying to yourself "This chick has no life." Fact of the matter I do have. a. life. Might not be filled with a social life but, it is my life right now. Ever since I have started back to college a few years ago, I have noticed my social life progressively get non existent. I mean who has time for a night out when you are knee deep in school work. I will get to my point. Recently I have found myself feeling anxious. I feel like I should be graduated and have a career already. I have always had a picture in my mind of where I would be and doing at a certain age and  fulfilling that image I have imagined. I was starting to feel like I was standing in the middle of the 10 freeway at rush hour while everyone was zooming by me...well, I was just standing still. I felt like I had stalled and everyone around me was getting to where they are going. I hope this analogy makes sense. In my head it does :) but, typing it makes it sound weird. Soooo,I came across what someone wrote on another blog a few days ago and I for the life of me can't find it, but it went something like this...If you keep comparing where you thought you'd be with where you are, you'll never become the person you were meant to be.This spoke to me. It is so easy to focus on what you haven't  accomplished or what you haven't done in life (yet) and if you focus on just that it will hold you prisoner and not give you the opportunity to focus on where you are at and what you have accomplished. And that my friends is all I'm going  to post today! I will no longer be a stranger